Create your own theme park video game online free
Create your own theme park video game online free

Build a theme park, using any assortment of rides on offer (to begin with, you only have access to a few of the most basic, including a bouncy castle and a spinning teacups ride, but loads of bigger and better ones turn up as you continue), keep a sharp eye on your income and maintain enough funding to stay in the business. That's why the basic ideas behind it still live on to this day, even if the original game's now obsolete. We honestly didn't know any better ) 'Theme Park' really came off so well because it was so colourful, imaginative, involving and, well, just plain fun. It was later recycled, to better effect, as the 'Roller-coaster Tycoon' series, but you have to remember, this was 1994, people! We ooh-ed and aah-ed over this sort of thing back then. By today's standards, 'Theme Park' could easily be dismissed as little more than some nice ideas and a showcase of glitches and dated graphics. And I completely fell in love with this game when it eventually made it to the players - compared to all the formulaic racing/fighting/platform that the VG market was dominated by, this innovative little wonder was such a sweet breath of fresh air.


I think it had been in the works for years actually - I'd heard about it ages ago on this computer game TV show, and had been eagerly awaiting it since.

create your own theme park video game online free

Oh yeah, I remember how excited I was back in 1994 to finally be holding this game in my hands. You first, lad.Īdvisor: Roll up, roll up, for the greatest show on Earth! I'm the Advisor, and I'm here to take you to a magical land. Advisor: Bored? Hey, you there!Īdvisor: Good day to you! Please don't be afraid.

Create your own theme park video game online free